Please note that google does not currently reflect accurate CAT schedules.


Hood River

Service Schedule.

All of Hood River. All day long, 7 Days a week.

New changes starting July 1st! CAT will now have formal bus stops at 8th & Sieverkropp and 11th & Pine and relocating the 4th & Columbia stop to 5th & Cascade.

CAT will now be using the new traffic signal at Rand Rd. to access Cascade Ave. We will no longer use N. 20th St. (between the skatepark and Subway) to access Cascade Ave.

In the winter time, if indicated on the homepage, this route will follow a snow route.


CAT Walmart Safeway Rite Aid 18th & May St. (Aquatic Center) Pacific Ave. @ Walgreens Pacific Ave. & 8th St. (One Community Health) 8th & Sieverpkropp 11th & Pine 11th & May St. (Hospital) State St. & 4th St. (Library) N. 1st St. & Riverside (Port Transfer) 8th & Portway Ave. Cascade St. & 5th St. Waucoma Center CAT
7:45 7:48 7:51 7:52 7:54 7:57 7:58 7:59 8:02 8:03 8:06 8:15 8:17 8:19 8:21 8:30
8:30 8:33 8:36 8:37 8:39 8:42 8:43 8:44 8:47 8:48 8:51 9:00 9:02 9:04 9:06 9:15
9:15 9:18 9:21 9:22 9:24 9:27 9:28 9:29 9:32 9:33 9:36 9:45 9:47 9:49 9:51 10:00
10:05 10:08 10:11 10:12 10:14 10:17 10:18 10:19 10:22 10:23 10:26 10:30 10:32 10:34 10:36 10:45
10:45 10:48 10:51 10:52 10:54 10:57 10:58 10:59 11:02 11:03 11:06 11:15 11:17 11:19 11:21 11:30
11:30 11:33 11:36 11:37 11:39 11:42 11:43 11:44 11:47 11:48 11:51 12:00 12:02 12:04 12:06 12:15
12:15 12:18 12:21 12:22 12:24 12:27 12:28 12:29 12:32 12:33 12:36 12:45 12:47 12:49 12:51 1:00
1:05 1:08 1:11 1:12 1:14 1:17 1:18 1:19 1:22 1:23 1:26 1:30 1:32 1:34 1:36 1:45
1:45 1:48 1:51 1:52 1:54 1:57 1:58 1:59 2:02 2:03 2:06 2:15 2:17 2:19 2:21 2:30
2:30 2:33 2:36 2:37 2:39 2:42 2:43 2:44 2:47 2:48 2:51 3:00 3:02 3:04 3:06 3:15
3:15 3:18 3:21 3:22 3:24 3:27 3:28 3:29 3:32 3:33 3:36 3:45 3:47 3:49 3:51 4:00
4:00 4:03 4:06 4:07 4:09 4:12 4:13 4:14 4:17 4:18 4:21 4:30 4:32 4:34 4:36 4:45
4:45 4:48 4:51 4:52 4:54 4:57 4:58 4:59 5:02 5:03 5:06 5:15 5:17 5:19 5:21 5:30
5:30 5:33 5:36 5:37 5:39 5:42 5:43 5:44 5:47 5:48 5:51 6:00 6:02 6:04 6:06 6:15
6:15 6:18 6:21 6:22 6:24 6:27 6:28 6:29 6:32 6:33 6:36 6:45 6:47 6:49 6:51 7:00
7:00 7:03 7:06 7:07 7:09 7:12 7:13 7:14
CAT Walmart Safeway Rite Aid 18th & May St. (Aquatic Center) Pacific Ave. @ Walgreens Pacific Ave. & 8th St. (One Community Health) 8th & Sieverpkropp 11th & Pine 11th & May St. (Hospital) State St. & 4th St. (Library) N. 1st St. & Riverside (Port Transfer) 8th & Portway Ave. Cascade St. & 5th St. Waucoma Center CAT
10:05 10:08 10:11 10:12 10:14 10:17 10:18 10:19 10:22 10:23 10:26 10:30 10:32 10:34 10:36 10:45
10:45 10:48 10:51 10:52 10:54 10:57 10:58 10:59 11:02 11:03 11:06 11:15 11:17 11:19 11:21 11:30
11:30 11:33 11:36 11:37 11:39 11:42 11:43 11:44 11:47 11:48 11:51 12:00 12:02 12:04 12:06 12:15
12:15 12:18 12:21 12:22 12:24 12:27 12:28 12:29 12:32 12:33 12:36 12:45 12:47 12:49 12:51 1:00
1:05 1:08 1:11 1:12 1:14 1:17 1:18 1:19 1:22 1:23 1:26 1:30 1:32 1:34 1:36 1:45
1:45 1:48 1:51 1:52 1:54 1:57 1:58 1:59 2:02 2:03 2:06 2:15 2:17 2:19 2:21 2:30
2:30 2:33 2:36 2:37 2:39 2:42 2:43 2:44 2:47 2:48 2:51 3:00 3:02 3:04 3:06 3:15
3:15 3:18 3:21 3:22 3:24 3:27 3:28 3:29 3:32 3:33 3:36 3:45 3:47 3:49 3:51 4:00
4:00 4:03 4:06 4:07 4:09 4:12 4:13 4:14 4:17 4:18 4:21 4:30 4:32 4:34 4:36 4:45
4:45 4:48 4:51 4:52 4:54 4:57 4:58 4:59 5:02 5:03 5:06 5:15 5:17 5:19 5:21 5:30
5:30 5:33 5:36 5:37 5:39 5:42 5:43 5:44 5:47 5:48 5:51 6:00 6:02 6:04 6:06 6:15
6:15 6:18 6:21 6:22 6:24 6:27 6:28 6:29 6:32 6:33 6:36 6:45 6:47 6:49 6:51 7:00
7:00 7:03 7:06 7:07 7:09 7:12 7:13 7:14

Route Map


Stops & Nearby Attractions


  • Restaurants & Bars
  • Lodging
  • Services
  • Shopping
  • Grocery
  • Recreation