Please note that google does not currently reflect accurate CAT schedules.


The HRCTD Transit Master Plan V2

people hanging out by a bus stop

May 17, 2023

What is the CAT Transit Master Plan?

The Hood River County Transportation District (HRCTD), operating as Columbia Area Transit (CAT), is updating its 2017 Transit Master Plan (TMP). The TMP update is a timely means of addressing changes in Hood River County, such as the growing population, increasing recreation and tourism draw, expanding local and regional employment choices, and opportunities for new and available transportation options (e.g., bike sharing, vanpools, e-scooters, e-bikes, etc.).

Beginning in early 2022, Hood River County residents and visitors shared their thoughts on how CAT can best meet their transportation needs. CAT Survey #1 asked the community how CAT could help shape and build vibrant, accessible, and strong Hood River County communities. Based on feedback received, CAT Survey #2 followed up and asked for community preferences on proposed service options. Sincere thanks to all who took the time to help shape the future transit services for Hood River County.

Between now and spring 2023, staff will refine the preferred service options, develop the capital and financing approaches, and present the draft plan to the community.

Sign up for e-updates to learn when the draft plan is available, opportunities to provide input, and associated public hearings.

Master Plan – Appendix

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